Subscription for web services in the Amount of $200. This is a recurring fee and will be charged every month.
Buying this product without first talking to a rep from Now Advertising Media will cause a contact from us to get your web site up and running.  If you have already talked with us and have been directed to purchase this subscription, your project will move forward as requested.
The product for sale in this listing is a service you will receive or have already received based on your interactions with us. These subscription blocks make it easy to provide subscriptions and sell blocks of service ahead of time or to receive payment for services rendered. This new approach to billing is an easier way for people and businesses to have access to the resources Now Advertising Media has to offer. Purchasing this or any service from Now Advertising Media indicates an acceptance of the Now Advertising Media Advertising Contract, and will have to be signed by the media purchaser before any work is done by Now Advertising Media. Failure to sign the contract previously state causes a refund to be issued if one is owed.