

106 NW 6th St, Grants Pass, OR 97526

Invoice Number INV-0005
Invoice Date February 28, 2024
Due Date February 28, 2024
Total Due $300.00
Car Tunes Grants Pass LLC

764 SE 7th St Grants Pass, OR 97526

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Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
1 Monthly Web Subscription 100

Web support, hosting and maintenance.
This is at a 50% discount.

1 Monthly Subscription Micro Niching 100

Support, hosting and Maintenance.
This price is after a 50% discount.

1 Monthly Subscription Micro Niching 100

Support, hosting and Maintenance.
This price here is after a 50% discount.

Sub Total $300.00
Tax $0.00
Total Due $300.00