Enjoy your ads or menus on a screen at your business location for all your customers to see. Update the look and feel of your company right now.
How your customers see you do business makes all the difference. Perception is EVERYTHING. Project the image of a well oiled machine. Have relevant information on display for your customers at all times. Now Advertising Media can install a QRC code into the graphic and your customers can instantly access the information you want them to on their phones. This type of sales funnel is a dream come true. Drive sales like never before. An informed public is a purchasing public. This advertising tech is powerful. It will drive visits and sales over and over again. This technology can be gamified. Ask how! Pricing Starts at 100/month for one screen and three graphics created with the purchase of the package. Each additional screen adds 100/month. The purchase of additional spots for your monitor cost 59 each. So for example if your subscription includes two monitors and they are each running the three graphics that come with this service, you would pay only 200/month for full blown digital menus in your business that can be linked into your web page or other funnel through QRC codes.
Please also see Advertising Destinations.
The cost of the Monitors and the hanging of those monitors is not part of this subscription and must be purchased separately. Now Advertising Media uses specific monitors and we have to prep them for our process. All monitors need to be prepared for our process so it is easier to just get them from us.